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Key note presentation at Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium

The Oslo School of Architecture and Design has organised the third symposium on Relating Systems Thinking and Design. I have been asked to contribute to the discussions, by trying to relate my perspective on Service Design with the very wide field of Systems Thinking and Design

Date Published: 15 October 2014

The Oslo School of Architecture and Design has organised the third symposium on Relating Systems Thinking and Design. I have been asked to contribute to the discussions, by trying to relate my perspective on Service Design with the very wide field of Systems Thinking and Design. The original title of my presentation was “Brining complexity to Service Design Research” which then evolved into “Systemic perspectives in Design for Services”. My aim became then to make tangible, and therefore a potential object of discussion, the tacit understandings and perspectives on systems that are informing current research and practice of designing for services.

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