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REFapp: Using a co-produced digital innovation to transform how charities engage and raise funds with donors in Brazil

The REFapp project is an innovative initiative aimed at developing an impact case study for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2029. The project builds on the success of the Cooperativa Digital project, which employed a novel co-design approach to develop and transfer Reapp, a private fundraising mobile app, to a network of local charities in São Luís, Brazil.

Co-design was central to the development of Reapp, involving a series of workshops with local charities to co-design the app’s functionalities and governance. This approach ensured that the needs and experiences of communities and users of research were integrated into the design process, promoting equitable knowledge co-creation.

Reapp enables people to donate to charities through various methods, including a portion of sales tax (VAT) through Brazilian law (Nota Legal), credit card, and bank transfer. The app is currently undergoing final testing and is set to launch its operations under the control of the network of charities in March 2025.

REFapp will conduct a 6-month evaluation to gather data and evidence of Cooperativa Digital’s success in enhancing charities’ fundraising capabilities and autonomy. The evaluation will also assess the impact on the well-being of communities supported by the charities, aligning with REF’s criteria for demonstrating impact.