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Lancaster District Insights Hub

Seeing the bigger picture through data and insights

Jointly led by Lancaster City Council and Lancaster University the Insights Hub is an active network of collaboration-minded people in the Council, the University and beyond.  A forum for actual and potential collaborators to meet, share ideas and information in order to support the District to flourish. 

Lancaster District Insights Hub is growing and there is an opportunity for Lancaster University researchers to get involved and contribute data, insights and ideas which can make a positive difference to the local community. In 2023 representatives from other local anchor organisations across the Lancaster and Morecambe district are invited to join the forum to reflect and contribute to the growth in local partnership working.

Insights Hub partners are encouraged to share information and data (where appropriate) to provide new insights from which ideas, decisions and projects emerge to create positive outcomes for our communities. This could include:

  • Outcomes of recent research or studies
  • Local surveys or other newly available information
  • Relevant regional or national datasets
  • Timely project updates, funding and/or collaboration opportunities

This sharing of quantitative and qualitive information will enable the network to pursue a variety of tangible initiatives that support shared priorities and aims in a coordinated way. Drawing on the widest possible range of perspectives, including academic research as well as the daily experience of local partners and communities, it will help to build new knowledge and collaborations and contribute to finding lasting solutions for local challenges.


Bi-monthly meetings are co-chaired by representatives of Lancaster University and Lancaster City Council. The Insights Hub comprises a small core of permanent members drawn from Lancaster University, Lancaster City Council and a variety of local and regional partners from community, business and public sectors, augmented by those undertaking collaborative projects between the Council and the University. This allows for an active, evolving membership. The blogs linked below will share key insights and/or links to information and data presented at each Insights Hub meeting.

The next Insights Hub is planned to take place on the 2nd October 2023 at an in-person event at Lancaster Town Hall. 

Joining the Insights Hub

If you would have insights you would like to share at a future Insights Hub meeting, or would like to receive invitations to Insights Hub meetings please email Kirsty Chekansky, Partnerships Coordinator at Lancaster City Council at kchekansky@lancaster.gov.uk

The Insights hub is a practical outcome of the MOU between Lancaster University and Lancaster City Council. It has been energised and supported by the Beyond Imagination project funded by Research England in ImaginationLancaster.