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Creative Co-Design Tools – Excellent Student project

MA Design Management student makes significant new contribution to the design of knowledge exchange and consultation tools

Date Published: 13 March 2013

The intersection between research, teaching and knowledge exchange can be very fruitful and mutually rewarding. These rewards are evident in the project recently undertaken to great success by Ji-Hyoun Hwang much to the benefit of the Proud project.

As her major dissertation project in design management Ji undertook a 5-month project exploring the challenges around the design and use of new creative facilitation and consultation tools. This was very much a live project with very close working with consultation officers from Lancaster City Council and PROUD co-design experts.

The results of this process were many and various but key among these were the excellent review of the current state of the art and also the propositions for future development these were not at all what we were expecting so a fantastic result for the Project. Ji documented her process in a detailed report and in a 15 minute summary presentation (both downloadable from this blog post).

This is a useful and significant resource for the PROUD project and wider research and exchange project activities in Imagination but also more widely.

Breaking News: Ji was awarded her MA in Design Management with Distinction – well done Ji! 


Design Management Masters Presentation Ji-Hyoun Hwang

A visulisation of the masters project on creative consultation by Ji-Hyoun Hwang

Download PDF [2MB]

Full thesis report for Ji-Hyoun Hwang

Masters dissertation for Ji-Hyoun Hwang looking at creative consultation

Download PDF [4MB]

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