Adopting a cross-disciplinary approach influenced by a sociological perspective this paper assesses the implications of a post-disciplinary approach to design and how this is inflected in new cultures of design. This is supported by an examination of the role of design culture and the emergence of participatory design approaches. Within the framework, we explore the value of boundaries as creative sites of action rather than obstacles or impediments to post-disciplinary working.
We also describe a number of techniques and approaches to post-disciplinary design that inform, guide and act as provocations for this new approach to understanding design.
This includes the use of bricolage in co-creation where technology, social factors and design are defined in terms of connection and juxtaposition, we will also be describing object design and design for experimentation.
Finally, this paper highlights the challenges to design practice with the promotion of a more ‘romantic’ engagement with innovation
8th European Academy Of Design Conference – April 2009
Publication Date
1st of April 2009