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Planning for ServDes2014

Debrief meeting with Laurea University team in Helsinki

Date Published: 06 March 2012

A debrief meeting on ServDes2012 conference (http://www.servdes.org) was hold with Laurea University team in Helsinki the 28th of May. I met with Janne-Valtteri Nisula, Virpi Kaarti, Milla Harjula, and Päivi Tossavainen to learn about their experience in planning the previous conference. We went through the conference feedback they collected, which was based on a pre and post conference questionnaire. We looked at their process and a possible schedule to develop the next one in Lancaster! The aim is to have an updated website and initial promotion by March 2013. The ServDes conference is planned for  April 2014. More news to come!

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