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Redesigning tools with Lancashire Care Quality Improvement team

Date Published: 15 March 2018

Rosendy Galabo and David Perez delivered an adaptation and improvement workshop to Lancashire Care Quality Improvement Team held on 5thApril at ImaginationLab.

The focus on the session was to explore the inappropriateness of five tools (Snapchat & Story, The Small Things, Role Bingo, You Said We did, Feedback Cycle Request), and come up with ideas to change these tools to support the quality team practice.

In this half-day workshop, the quality team came up with a set of proposals for improving Leapfrog tools in three different ways, and the day concluded with them presenting their suggestions and discussing on how useful are the suggestions for change. . Leapfrog would like to thank everyone who attended and helped to set up the workshop. The feedback on the tools and workshop was positive

The Leapfrog design team redesigned new versions of tools based on the workshop outcomes, which is now available for download. These new versions include the following improvements:

Snapchat & Story v2

  • Improved flexibility: The new version is an A4 size power point file (pptx). This allows to insert and play videos to make stories more inclusive and real, providing a better use of the electronic format, but keeping the advantages of the printed format.

Feedback Cycle Request v2

  • Improved guidelines: This version provides better use of the space with less busy instructions.

The Small Things v2

  • More dynamic tool: By changing the design of material, the new version can support mind mapping, agenda or action setting. These suggestions of use are now included in the tool guideline
  • Improved flexibility: A bigger version of the tool is available for download to support different uses.

Role Bingo has been renamed as Share the work tool

  • The new title provides a more formal description, although it can still be used in a less formal way as instructed in the tool guideline.
  • The improved tool is an editable pdf version that supports the use in a more fun way (Role bingo), and in a more formal way (Project management tool)
  • Small details have been added to the tool to help fill in the tool.
  • Added few changes in the wording to give more meaning to the tool.

You Said We did has been renamed as You Suggested We tried

  • We have changed the wording of the tool to provide a more useful description.
  • We have changed the design of material to provide a way to continue and close the conversation using the tool
  • Improved guidelines: The new version provides two suggestions of use.


If you are interested in trying out and adapting Leapfrog tools, please feel free to contact Rosendy Galabo for further information.