Empowering the Future:
Young Adults Lead the Way in Placemaking Innovation
Young Adults Lead the Way in Placemaking Innovation
Join Our Exciting Placemaking Engagement Series!
RTPI North West CPD Programme 2024
by Ella Alemayehu-Lambert
Placemaking with Young Adults
The future is a work in progress
Placemaking with Young Adults
The future is a work in progress
Making Sustainable Places
A participant's view on Placemaking with Young Adults
Third event
Placemaking with Young Adults
Mapping Values: Co-constructing understandings of the good city in pursuit of new models of urban governance
Second event
Conference paper published in proceedings – Design Research Society DRS2022 Bilbao
First event
Share your stories and experiences of sustainable ways of living
Imagination researchers are going to DRS 2022 in Bilbao
Mapping Values: Co-constructing understandings of the good city in pursuit of new models of urban governance, British Academy
Mapping Values: Co-constructing understandings of the good city in pursuit of new models of urban governance, British Academy
We are looking for participants who are familiar with Kilburn area. Get away from your normal routine and come along to have lunch and share your stories about Kilburn over a short walk
Tea Talks – Lancaster School of Architecture
A conversation with Mirian Calvo, Marianna Cavada and Christopher Boyko.
Creative West End Christmas Market and Guerrilla gardening in strategic places in the West End Morecambe
Reflections from the fieldwork activities
Reflections from the fieldwork activities
Reflections from the fieldwork activities
Embedded Intelligent Empathy in Design, EPSRC – Connected Everything II
Embedded Intelligent Empathy in Design, EPSRC – Connected Everything II
Engagement Event 02 June
New paper published in The International Journal of Arts & Design Education (iJADE)
A two-day workshop on Participatory Architecture & Co-design
Exploring refurbishing options with Mainway's residents
Journal paper published in International Journal of Design for Social Change, Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship (discern)
Scrawl on the Wall
Presenting findings and getting residents' feedback!
Playing and Co-imagining the future redevelopment
Reflections from the fieldwork in the "door to door engagement" activities for My Mainway
Creative designerly activities at the doorstep!
Online workshop
Touring walk with the councillors to discuss their views about Mainway.
Walking as a way to get to know first-hand sociocultural complexities of urban areas
A two-day workshop on Participatory Architecture & Co-design
at the 4S - TRANSnational Science and Technology Studies conference
Shaping a Sustainable Future
Research Project: Youth, Democracy and Sustainable Citizenship | Dr Mirian Calvo | 28th May 2022
Research Project: Youth, Democracy and Sustainable Citizenship | Dr Mirian Calvo | 28th May 2022
A barometer to understanding and activate social wellbeing through micro-gardening
Co-constructing understandings of the good city in pursuit of new models of urban governance
Reimagining the City and Empowering Young People through Engagement with Policy-Makers
Consultancy Project
Empowering local communities and Government in Malaysia in addressing social issues in ageing and disabilities
The Leapfrog project will be a close collaboration with public sector and community partners to design and evaluate new approaches to consultation.