Co-Design, Open Design and Innovation, Design for the Public Sector, User Centred and User-Led Design, Interactive Design, Technology and Society, Design Methodology, Design Theory and Philosophy
Leon’s focus is on co-design and involving a broad spectrum of stakeholders in research and creative processes. He was Director of Knowledge Exchange for the Creative Exchangethe £5million 4 year project focusing on digital public space and associate director for HighWire, the cross disciplinary EPSRC CDT looking at digital innovation. He also lead the £1.2 million Leapfrog project, transforming public sector engagement through design and the follow on ‘Extending Leapfrog: Improving a million creative conversations’. He consults for the UN on innovation in government with a focus on open design thinking.
This has led to the emergence of designing knowledge exchange as a research area. He is currently involved in 6 funded projects in this area. He is principle Investigator for the £1.2million AHRC project Leapfrog: transforming public sector engagement by design ( He is also Director of Knowledge Exchange for the £4 million AHRC Creative Knowledge Exchange Hub and UK lead for the €4 million PROUD project looking at knowledge exchange through co-design
Leon Cruickshank's full list of publications can be viewed here
Publication day
Impact can continue long after the project is ended
Conference paper published in proceedings – Design Research Society DRS2022 Bilbao
A Lancaster University project, capturing an in-depth picture of how people live and work in two northern local authority districts, will help shape the future of the area.
Life Survey summary findings and six case studies launched today.
sharing knowledge and experience with Weißensee Kunsthochschule, Berlin
Imagination researchers are going to DRS 2022 in Bilbao
April 2022
presentations from our design research showcase event in March 2022
Memorandum of Understanding signed between Lancaster University and Lancaster City Council
Creative West End Christmas Market and Guerrilla gardening in strategic places in the West End Morecambe
A partnership is forged between ImaginationLancaster and Stanbic Bank’s Accelerate in Botswana.
Reflections from the fieldwork activities
Reducing health inequalities through embedding community participation and co-production in public health systems
Reflections from the fieldwork activities
Reflections from the fieldwork activities
Engagement Event 02 June
Flourishing Organisations - 20th May 2021
ImaginationLancaster investigates major areas of modern life from health to travel to help shape the future of two local districts
New paper published in the CoDesign journal
ImaginationLancaster Design Summit
ImaginationLancaster Design Summit: Flourish Together
an online film premiere to rival any blockbuster movie
ImaginationLancaster Design Summit Series 2021
The launch of a series of new short films which capture the essence of the spirit of Imagination
Paper presented and published in the DVHG Virtual Conference
An series of events to discover our design research interests and make new connections for future collaborations
Exploring refurbishing options with Mainway's residents
Scrawl on the Wall
Presenting findings and getting residents' feedback!
Playing and Co-imagining the future redevelopment
Reflections from the fieldwork in the "door to door engagement" activities for My Mainway
Creative designerly activities at the doorstep!
Online workshop
Touring walk with the councillors to discuss their views about Mainway.
Walking as a way to get to know first-hand sociocultural complexities of urban areas
Funding success for one of our partners
Visualising innovation networks in Africa
Two weeks flies by when you’re wading through a variety of literature on innovation, design, participation and every combination therein.
with persons aged 50+ living in single occupancy homes
Putting the FUN into Funding
We will be holding our first bid writing workshop at Blackburn College on 25th January 2018
Tool sharing with Cilip: The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Leapfrog is working closely with Rebecca Addey, a Paediatric Patient Experience Officer at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and her colleagues as part of the Rigorous Stories project at Lancaster
Seminar at Center for Codesign Research, CODE part of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts – School of Design
The Derbyshire Matrix tool was officially launched on Monday 6th February to 150 social workers, clinicians, police and fire offices, housing and environmental health officials and drug and alcohol specialists. Dee and Laura share their experience
Working with manufacturing and high-tech company partners to co-design new, locally tailored innovation, design and training
Sarah Campbell from the V&A Museum joins the Leapfrog team to develop tools to help understand the creative process
Since October last year, Leapfrog has been working with a group of young people to co-design tools to make sure adults in authority hear their voices
Leapfrog presented at a workshop led by the Public Collaboration Lab – an AHRC funded research partnership between London Borough of Camden and University of the Arts London, Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability Lab (UAL DESIS Lab). The workshop explored the value of creative engagement and consultation
Leapfrog held a large, interactive tool sharing event at Lancaster University to close the Major Project 'Working with Young People' and share the tools that have been co-designed since it began in August 2015
The Leapfrog Team invite Early Career Researchers (ECR) from across the Arts and Humanities to participate in a Summer School from the 4th– 8th July 2016 at The Institute of Design Innovation’s Highland Studio in Forres – a beautiful town in the North of Scotland
A critical part of Leapfrog’s first major research project is the phase where we will facilitate a co-design process with young people aged 13-17. To prepare for this we met with Leapfrog Advisory Board member Emma Barrett. Emma leads Silk Innovation Lab, a small team based within Kent County Council set up in 2007 to ‘do policy differently’
A Research Dimensions plan for the research that will take place throughout the Working with Young People major project for Leapfrog has been produced
Six open innovation platform case studies have been written for the OpTex project, which cover Fab Labs, Facemooc, LEGO Ideas, MIT Media Lab, .Net Gadgeteer and P&G Connect + Develop
The TimeTape tools are rolls of paper tape printed with different divisions of time, including a working day and a working week to help groups plan activities and projects
The IDEAS for Impact project recently added two new free downloadable tools to the Collaboration and Impact Toolbox website
The OpTex project started in earnest recently with a scoping workshop held in the fabulous INNVENTIA laboratories in Stockholm. In this project Imagination is helping this research institution to further develop its approaches to open innovation
IDEAS for Impact ran a session to help early career academics engage with communities outside Lancaster University as part of OED's training programme
There seems to be an emerging case that some challenges of engaging with young people are universal, across all types of engagement, from one-to-one working up to national policy. As unlikely as this seems our tentative analysis of our first activity exploring public sector engagement with young people seems to be pointing in this direction
Following the 'Fostering Creativity' workshop for the V&A Museum, IDEAS for Impact has produced a tool for tracking the team's inspiration
IDEAS for Impact Contributes to OED's Proposal Writing Day
Sharing and debating policy challenges for the AHRC, UK Universities and the UK Government using collaborative digital tools
Sarah Campbell, Head of Schools, Families and Young People at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London describes the workshop designed and delivered by the IDEAS for Impact project
After using the zoners in their original form at a few public events, Helen Ryan, Public Realm Development Manager from Lancaster City Council found that some extra features would be useful
The IDEAS for Impact team are busy preparing for an exciting workshop at the V&A museum in London on the 24th of February
The IDEAS for Impact project developed and delivered a workshop on democratic renewal for the Scottish Government this month
Following on from the Tools for Non-written consultation short project, we gained feedback from partners and are refining selected tools for development
The £1.2 million AHRC project launches with a week long workshop and community consultation project drawing together partners from Lancashire with researches from Imagination and Glasgow School of Art
IDEAS for Impact ran a workshop to offer strategic and practical support for academics from across Lancaster University interested in developing more impactful research
Over 5 weeks during November and December 2014 the PROUD team delivered ‘Facemooc’ an innovative, online course in co-design. The first of its kind to utilise Facebook as a platform for open online learning
Researchers and academics from the Faculty of Arts and Social Science attended a workshop on Creative Facilitation in Research on Monday 8th December. The workshop was designed and run by the IDEAS for Impact team, who shared some of their tools and techniques
Imagination is looking for someone interested in exploiting the potential of social media to share information and promote collaboration as part of a new project called Leapfrog. This 3 year £1.25million AHRC project will explore how we can help more people be more creative and collaborative with a focus on the public sector
A downloadable tool to help facilitators document and evaluate the new tools they employ in workshops and other sessions
Working with the Scottish Government's Creativity Team and drawing on the research of Imagination PhD student Dee Hennessey we are tackling the challenges of workshop evaluation. Try the free resources included in this post
A workshop for the European Union sponsored Design Days event
Last month, the IDEAS for Impact project delivered a workshop that brought together people from all faculties of the university sharing interests and experience in additive manufacturing technology
A creative, supportive and collaborative learning experience, aimed at equipping and improving your co-design knowledge, skills and contacts
With presentations from Charles Leadbetter and Liz Sanders preceding our presentation we could not have asked for a better platform for us to talk about the Proud Beyond the Castle project and how this relates to the wider Synergize conference
3D printing is a hugely disruptive technology, with implications that reach deep into business models, engineering approaches and cultural assumptions. Understanding these implications and the opportunities accompanying them requires thinking and research that crosses between disciplines and faculties
Honest insights into the challenges and benefits of group work were shared by local government officers across Lancashire, all who have elements of public consultation, planning or group work in their roles as they took part in the last of the 'Working With Groups' event series at ImaginationLab
IDEAS for Impact offer support and help design tools for a CX event
3…2…1 Blastoff! IDEAS for Impact Tweet up launches for the first time
Focusing on ‘Interesting Group Collaborations’
We were invited to deliver a workshop hosted by the Creativity Team within the Scottish Government, who are responsible for organisational development, leadership and learning. The workshop aimed to explore the value design can bring to public sector activities
Lancashire County Council received the news they’d been waiting for in securing £59,000 for the Heritage Lottery ‘Our Heritage’ Fund (HLF) for an 18 month programme of learning and engagement activities for the fascinating site explored in the PROUD co-design challenge ‘Beyond the Castle’
Working with a group of highly experienced co-designers, group leaders and facilitators, this high level masterclass in Eindhoven explored the nature of excellent group working and facilitation
How should public sector workers approach co-design to get the maximum benefit? In collaboration with Lancaster City Council Imagination delivered a masterclass to senior public sector workers in Luxembourg
How will traditional media such as television and radio adapt as they become part of a larger Internet of Things
The IDEAS for Impact project has time and funding to support collaborative research projects at Lancaster University
The first Working With Groups event took place at The Storey in Lancaster. Participants ranged from leaders of Friends Groups for green space projects, a Scout Leader, youth workers, a cultural social enterprise that co-designs projects with communities and staff from Lancaster and Morecambe Libraries
Contrasting perspectives on Co-Design from the industrial heartlands of Germany to the vibrant new landscape of Cape Town, World Design Capital
In the final year of PROUD, our Essen partner the Red Dot Design Museum is hosting the PROUD forum. This international forum aims to explore how design as a discipline reacts to social change, presenting the new tools, methods and thought processes used, and together assess their potential in terms of their productive and social value
Exploring the values and implications of co-design approaches at the PROUD Forum
It was a well timed opportunity to participate in PROUD FORUM in Germany
(but it needs to work with others disciplines!)
The IDEAS for Impact project have launched a new free online resource to help Lancaster academics collaborate and initiate high impact research
The PROUD team were keenly aware that our contribution to the CX enabled us to engage with some of the leading international experts in creative knowledge exchange
Discover the power of open data to create new and innovative products and services
Making it Fun, Effective and Collaborative
The PROUD Project at ImaginationLancaster is developing FaceMooc, a 5 week online course for design professionals that wish to develop and share expertise in co-design. To support this we are seeking several professionals to create co-design course content, illustrate a unique digital certificate and mentor participants
The UK PROUD team were aware that through the project so far we have developed a number of highly transferable and useful knowledge exchange tools
Ideas for Impact is a Lancaster University project to support academics across the University in conducting excellent research with significance to the outside world. We are especially interested in helping newly appointed academics to develop high impact research
An Inspirational Masterclass delivered by the Worldwide CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi, Kevin Roberts on Monday 10th of February
Its not really fair to start a presentation with the promise of ‘6 magic words to guarantee a top rated impact statement for the REF’ but this was a starting point for a seminar I ran for Arts and Humanities academics at the University of Leicester recently
The Meeting Action Points Tool is available to download and customise
Imagination designed, organised and hosted a five-hour workshop for the Lancaster China Catalyst Programme (LCCP) on the 13th of January 2014. The aim of the workshop was to detail each section of the four-year project plan
Forty-five arts and humanities practitioners, academics and funding partners gathered at a N8 event in Lancaster to participate in a workshop that explored how the imagination is being used to influence social and cultural development in the North
In discussion with Helen, after the 1st test we decided not to design a cover for the metal ground pins available at the Council
This project presented both a significant challenge and a distinct learning curve. However, the final products are the strong and successful result of the careful consideration the team put into every aspect of these tools
The successes at this point included progress made on the commenters. We had refined the notch design to ensure the shapes were a usable size which didn’t interfere with an A6 card when they interlocked
Our principal feeling about Dutch Design Week is that Eindhoven is a playground for ideas skilfully made reality. The festival explored what design practice could be in myriad ways as well as showing how people could choose to practice together
Bringing London-based digital and creative small and medium businesses together to create innovate concepts for cities
Lancaster University and Lancaster City Council present their Co-Design of Consultation Tools project at high profile gathering of co-design masters in Eindhoven during Dutch Design Week
With the prototypes and designs ready for testing, the full project team met to review the progress. We gave a re-cap of the work completed so far, talking Helen, Leon and Gemma through our design process and the thinking behind the prototypes
The Knowledge Exchange conference was conceived as having three distinct phases and each one of these would have a different feel. With the final morning we wanted people to come into a very austere space with no furniture to introduce our eight KE manifesto points and then literally open the space into something much more dynamic and visual
Useful, well-designed communication and tools played an important role in the interactions taking place at the Knowledge Exchange conference
Since the last meeting, the process of generating ideas, developing and producing tools the team can experiment and play with has moved quickly and yielded unexpected results
The final event on the Thursday of The Knowledge Exchange conference was a panel session held at the Storey Institute in Lancaster
Using coffee houses in The Knowledge Exchange Conference as a comfortable location for group discussion around selected themes
Dee Hennessey reflects on the way in which she developed and facilitated a unique and interactive way for the authors to present their conference papers
As preparation for the Knowledge Exchange Conference at Lancaster University in September, the PROUD project arranged for our keynote speaker for the conference Marc Tassoul (TU Delft) event to run a masterclass on creative facilitation on the day before the conference
As part of The Knowledge Exchange conference a New IDEAS digital tool was created to capture a starting point for the conference
The conference is taking place on the 26th and 27th September 2013 at Lancaster University, and is aimed at exploring and propagating new mutually beneficial exchanges between academia and the creative industries
The PROUD project in the UK is taking an exciting new direction. After the rather intense, highly designed activities of Beyond the Castle we were looking for a different kind of challenge
Together with Leon and Gemma from PROUD we met with Helen Ryan, Public Realm Officer at Lancaster City Council, on Friday morning. Having revisited the key ideas identified for potential development in July, we spent the morning exploring what Helen considered most important about using the tools, and separating ideal-luxury elements from those she considers an absolute necessity
Register soon for the Knowledge Exchange Conference: places are filling up fast with less than 20 remaining
Three Design Management students elected to work with the PROUD project to design a Modular Business Plan for Design Innovation Hubs for their final Masters thesis. The outcomes of their research will benefit PROUD partners who have invested in the creation of Design Innovation Hubs for their region and are seeking ways to make the hubs financially sustainable in the long term
Imagination is proud to announce the appointment of Dr Noor Aldoy to the Fusion project team
Laser cutters are extremely useful pieces of equipment and we use the PROUD laser cutter at least a few times a week. There is a danger though that they are used in only a basic way just to cut things
Disaster struck on arrival at Brussels airport when we were informed there was a baggage handler strike and that we should not reply on getting our luggage until the end of the week. After an epic journey by rail and an emergency shopping trip to a mall to buy some essentials we settled down to the partner meeting which was held at Technoport, a newly regenerated area which includes new university buildings and space for business and a FabLab, all set within in a now defunct steelworks landscape
The New IDEAS Hexagon Tool is a tactile and versatile method for connecting together ideas in multiple directions during brainstorming, meetings, workshops and other events where knowledge needs to be exchanged
Attracting people to public consultation events and convincing people their input can make a real difference are challenges Helen Ryan regularly faces in her role as Public Realm Officer for Lancaster City Council
MA Design Management student makes significant new contribution to the design of knowledge exchange and consultation tools
New Ideas helping 'FST' to collaborate more effectively and provide a more coherent voice for feedback to strategic proposals through the design of a new series of forum events
A simple but effective tool for revealing motivations in knowledge exchange projects
After six months or so of technical development, we are now creating the first tools that run on our digital KE platform
Lancaster University welcomes consortium members to progress work on DeEP European design innovation policy evaluation tool
A simple but effective tool for addressing action points in meetings
The three part series of labs run as part of the New Ideas project may have finished in December 2012, but the development of the tools created in the labs continues this year
This week, we completed the final of three labs with the leading knowledge exchange practitioners in the University, marking the end of the first phase if the New IDEAS project
Participants generated tool ideas that would be useful for knowledge exchange activities across the University
Exhibition runs from Friday16th - Tuesday 20th November 2012 at The Storey Creative Industries Centre, Lancaster
This interactive exhibition draws together all the knowledge and ideas emerging from the events and tells the story of the journey 'Beyond the Castle' so far. PICTURE THIS allows everyone to be a co-designer
Asking the Right Questions to Frame Knowledge Exchange Challenges
When the UK contingent of PROUD suggested we deliver a master class on Co-Design we knew we were in for an interesting developmental journey
Dutch design week is fast becoming one of the highlights of the global design calendar highlights
The day started well bright sunshine after a week of rain and there we where strategically positioned between The Storey Institute and the Priory Green.
The DeEP project has launched itself onto social media
It was a bright sunny day in late Autumn when we set out on a quest to consider what was needed for a perfect day out Beyond the Castle
Our plan for this event was to engage people as co-designers by encouraging them to imagine and to create models of what they wanted to see in the park
Do you want to help shape the future of one of Lancaster's oldest public spaces? Come along and take part in a drop in co-design session on the Priory Green and at The Storey in Lancaster between 2 - 8pm on Saturday 22nd September
Designing Tools for Designing Knowledge Exchange & High Impact Research
Beyond the Castle SECOND event in 2012. Don't miss your chance to be involved in shaping the future of a public park in Lancaster
DeEP host a high-level design innovation policy workshop in London attended by key UK stakeholders
A Paper on Designing Knowledge Exchange is Presented at the 2012 DMI Conference
It was at 9.20am on Saturday 4th August that we knew this co-design event was really going to work. The model of the open spaces beyond the castle had been erected before the market traders had set up and there it all was, with its pink signage, in the market square, making quite a spectacle of itself as the sun started to shine on everything
Volunteer information and development session on Weds 25th July
In Olympic countdown week, we kicked off our volunteer development programme for the PROUD funded, Lancaster City Park project, with two volunteer development sessions on
A new approach to open to all citizen-led innovation, a hectic Saturday morning in Morecambe
Multi-user platform in development, allowing collaborative data to be created and visualised using a suite of software and hardware tools
The new design team for the City Park co-design challenge came together for the first time this week and renamed the co-design project to 'Beyond the Castle'
The World Design Capital designation is a unique city promotion project that celebrates the accomplishments of cities that have used design as a tool to reinvent themselves and improve social, cultural and economic life
As one of the leading thinks in the field, Peter lead a workshop with PhD students on the nature, restrictions and future of Open Design
The PROUD project officially launched in the UK on Tuesday 8th May at ImaginationLab. Over 100 people from business, academic, government and local communities came to hear how co-design is being used to solve complex societal challenges in Lancashire and across Northern Europe
We are pleased to announce an open invitation to the launch of the PROUD project at ImaginationLab on the 8th May. Keynote speaker is Stéphane Vincent, founder of the French innovation lab La 27e Région, a laboratory for the co-design of public policy
An event at the Storey Creative Industries Centre to turn project consultation in the start of a co-design process. Here people started to design the intervention process for the next 6 months
Proud sensitising event with the elected members of Lancaster City Council
Imagination delivered a workshop with the theme of 'Creative Conversations' on Friday 20th April as part of the Brief Encounters project
Lancaster University is seeking to procure a pool of designers to work closely with the PROUD project team to develop innovative co-design interventions to address local co-design challenges, broadly looking at place, product and service design
The Master Class work package that Lancaster are leading as part of the Proud project took a big step forward recently with structures, techniques and topics fixed at a meeting in Eindhoven hosted by Capital D with Designregion Kortrijk from Belgium also in attendance
Really excited that this AHRC Network bid has been funded, we have an excellent group of international academics that we are bringing together to explore new forms of design process
Lancaster University is seeking to recruit five PhD students to participate in an exciting collaborative project with a range of academic and industrial partners in the creative and digital industries
The newly appointed Design Managers for Lancaster University and The Storey Creative Industries Centre presented the concept for the Lancaster Design Innovation Hub to partners from across North West Europe
The Creative Exchange is picking up pace after the first management meeting for 2012
As part of Dutch design week our first Proud project meeting and one day conference on design and Safety was convened in Eindhoven
HighWire students helped to develop a code of practice or values for the 'open to all' participants in the centre when its formally open after a period of renovation in January
Engaging with the EUs experts in meta-knowledge exchange (to knowledge exchange to and between knowledge experts), we find exciting areas to collaborate
Building on the ImaginationNets approach to promoting innovation through networks we developed and delivers this workshop and toolkit in a the Imagination facilitation space
Two HighWire students are currently exhibiting some of their work in the Talk to Me Exhibition in New York's Museum of Modern Art
A book documenting the activities and specifically the new techniques and approaches developed under the HEIF4 funded Creative IDEAS project
In preparation for the PROUD project this workshop brought together designers and craft-workers from across the region to help shape the commissioning process of a new creative space in the Storey
New HighWire cohort selected for 2011-12 entry
Cruickshank, L., Designing Creative Frameworks: Design Thinking as an Engine for New Facilitation Approaches. International Journal of Arts and Technology, in press.
Within the IDEAS collaboration we developed new research hypothesis and questions and used engagement with companies as a component of the testing and exploration of these ideas in an action research process that proved to be very productive in pure research terms in addition to strong positive responses from companies
Design and the Big Society brought design researchers together with others from politics, journalism, technology and finance to consider the relationship between design for social innovation, socially responsive design and the ‘big society’ agenda as promoted by the government. Imagination through Creative Ideas facilitated this to day workshop and also participated in the lively discussion
This booklet seeks to highlight, frame and hopefully start to answer many of the issues around creativity, collaboration and growth
Looking at rapid manufacturing and 3D printing this conference presentation explores the issues fro the design profession and draws comparisons with the aspirations of the Arts and Crafts movement, radical design groups such as Archigram and presents a set of conceptual tools to provoke further discussion
Looking at rapid manufacturing and 3D printing this conference presentation explores the issues fro the design profession and draws comparisons with the aspirations of the Arts and Crafts movement, radical design groups such as Archigram and presents a set of conceptual tools to provoke further discussion
There are many people, even colleagues who talk about innovation without any relationship to design at all (literary examples of this include the 600 page Oxford Handbook of Innovation and the 500 page Diffusion of Innovation) in this world innovation is a function of business activity.
Like an elastic band, I keep returning to issues around innovation. I am in the process of writing a large bid (with many other academics) about the Digital Economy and we want to talk about innovation without repeating the rather stale, well-trampled ground of open innovation, user focused bah blah blah
Attached here is a slideshow of a presentation I gave at the very excellent (but quite niche) FISCAR: Activity Theory and Design conference in Helsinki 2010. I presented this paper looking at how impact, has affected innovation in Universities looking specifically at the contribution HighWire, our doctoral training centre looking at Innovation across the disciplines of Computing, Design and Management
Embedding new sustainability thinking into day-to-day activities of civil engineering can result in substantial social, economic and environmental benefits for all stakeholders, but, to date, sustainability in consulting engineering is still more of a reactive activity than a proactive one. Through engaging with Civil Engineering consultants, educators and regulators as stakeholders, the series of workshops aims to bring together fresh perspectives on sustainability in consulting engineering in the supply chain
This event concluded the IDEAS at Daresbury series of engagement activities. Decision makers from regional and national funding bodies were brought together to disseminate the project
The Designing Spaces for Creative Collaboration and Co-design workshop brought together a multidisciplinary group of designers, designer makers and craftspeople to spend a half day within the shell of the 3rd floor ‘art school’ space in the Storey Creative Industries Centre, generating design proposals for refurbishment of the space
The Future of TV-workshop brought together experts from BBC’s R&D (Research and Development) section and students from the doctoral programme HighWire at Lancaster University
Using a highly interactive and engaging process that built on the participating parties’ own experience with development processes and collaboration, this session's goal was the identification of challenges and opportunities for a smooth and efficient collaboration between the BBC and SMEs
The IDEAS project team was presented with a Lancaster University Staff Prize by the Chancellor Sir Chris Bonington
We delivered a networking workshop as part of the LICA LEAD programme in collaboration with Frank Dawes and Becky Gordon from the Creative Industries Unit within LICA. We were responsible for the development and delivery of the workshop
This workshop has looked at Social Networks and how value can be created through them by providing simple and hands-on tools to benefit from your contacts. Networks are, in fact, an important means through which companies can access knowledge and resources to foster innovation
Co-designing resilience. Working with ‘Together an Active Future’ (TaAF) and the ‘Family Hubs’ in Blackburn with Darwen local authority.
Imagination in £2million Horizon project to help communities work with 100 living labs across Europe to improve our soils.
Infrastructure for Port and Coastal Towns
ImaginationLancaster investigates major areas of modern life from health to travel to help shape the future of two local districts
Co-designing discovery
A barometer to understanding and activate social wellbeing through micro-gardening
Envisioning sustainable futures together
Navigate through the co-design experience of three people living with their personal data.
Consultancy Project
Participants at a Leapfrog and World Design Weeks workshop at Dutch Design Week 2019
The Bank of Imagination: enabling academics and partner organisations to do good stuff for communities
An interactive conference, which took place on the 26th and 27th of September 2013 that explored academic engagement with the creative sector as part of The Creative Exchange project
Research into the exchange of knowledge exchange structures rather than the exchange of knowledge itself
Research for Wii Rehabilitation
Working with designers, businesses, academics and the public to promote innovation through new types of Knowledge Exchange
Open innovation for textile-like materials made on a paper machine
Helping industry, educators and policy makers think about sustainable futures
The aim of New IDEAS is to develop, refine and disseminate highly innovative knowledge exchange approaches to local, academic, creative industries and stakeholders that are not dependent on delivery by staff from Imagination for success
Ambitious £5m project to inspire and support growth in the digital industries
Lancaster University is embarking on a new initiative to leverage its global reach for the benefit of UK businesses
PROUD are designing tools for creative public consultation in a collaboration with Lancaster City Council aiming to improve the uptake, creativity and effectiveness of public consultations
Understanding through challenging: Innovation and Design
A project to help Lancaster University academics undertake high impact, excellent research
Collaboration for Innovation in Knowledge Exchange
Creating Innovative People for Radical Change
Evaluating and Sharing Design Innovation Policies for European Growth
Innovative Mechanisms for Knowledge Sharing
Creating New Contexts for Growth in the Experience Economy
A 5 week online course for design professionals interested in co-design
An AHRC Network project to explore new forms of collaborative design processes
Write a new chapter in the history of Lancaster's green space
Providing fresh perspectives on real world issues and facilitating innovation
a HEIF funded project led by Professor Leon Cruickshank from Lancaster University
Exploring internet connected sensors to improve health and wellbeing
Working with manufacturing and high-tech company partners to co-design new, locally tailored innovation, design and training
The Leapfrog project will be a close collaboration with public sector and community partners to design and evaluate new approaches to consultation.
This £1.5 million EPSRC funded 4 year project examines the role of new technology in citizen led innovation looking specifically at Manchester and Derry as sites of innovation. The project includes innovation researchers from Computing, Design Sociology and management, all based in Lancaster University.